Do you have the personality traits of a penguin? Take the quiz to find out.

Interesting facts
- “The black and white “tuxedo” look donned by most penguin species is a clever camouflage called countershading. When swimming, the black on their backs helps them blend in with the darkness of the ocean from predators viewing from above. Their white bellies help them blend in with the bright surface of the ocean when viewed by predators and prey from below.”
- Penguins can drink sea water.
- Penguins spend half their time on land and half their time in the water.
Questions we used in our animal quiz.
Penguins eat krill, a shrimp-like crustacean found on ice, squid, shrimp, and fish.
Penguins are not aggressive animals either with other animals or humans.
Instead of sleeping in one long block of hours, penguins take many quick naps throughout the day.
Penguins are of higher intelligence. They have complex social structures and they are adaptable.
Yes. Penguins are adaptable to freezing weather and they are able to befriend humans.
Penguin parents are monogamous. Each mating season the female penguin will search out the male penguin. The female will identify the male by the unique sound it makes.
Yes. Climate change is making it harder for penguins to find krill too.
On land, penguins are very loud and part of their social structure is based on oral recall.