I created dog images with AI, and the results were epic!

AI dog images are very fun to make, and we hope you enjoy our results.

Sand Castle Dogs

sand castle dog ai
german shepherd sand castle ai

Dogs on the moon

two dogs on the moon made with ai
a dog looking at the moon made with ai

Shark dog

dog shark ai

Rabbits mixed with dogs

rabbit dogs ai

Dogs & children

dogs and children ai
dogs and children ai
dogs and children ai

Famous people with dogs

drake with dog ai
abraham lincoln with dog ai
Abraham Lincoln
aaron judge with dogs ai
Aaron Judge
martin luther king jr with dog ai
Martin Luther King Jr.
dj marshmello with dog ai
DJ Marshmello
einstein with dog ai
Greta Thunberg with dog ai
Greta Thunberg
gandhi with dog ai
bruce lee with dog ai
Bruce Lee

Dogs are there when we need them most

dogs being with us when we are sick ai
there for us when we need them most
dogs being heroes ai

A small-town parade celebrating a working military dog’s service.

military dog parade ai

Cute dogs

mini dog ai
puppies ai
chocolate lab ai

Baby Yoda Dog

baby yoda dog ai

Monk dog

Alien dog

alien dog ai

Dog action figures

dog action figure ai
rottweiler toy ai
french bulldog ai

AI dog images

I got lost down a rabbit hole in creating AI dog images. In the end, though, I was thrilled with the results. I learned some things along the way about AI, like: 

  • As of today, AI has issues with eyes and paws. It will sometimes distort these areas of the dog’s body. I’ve heard it has the same problem with human hands and feet. 
  • Let your mind go. When I decided to search and work on ‘dogs on the moon,’ it got my creative juices flowing. So throw anything you can think of at the canvas. 
  • It takes work. I rarely put in a single search phrase and got what I wanted. I needed to tweak things along the way. Sometimes it was the setting where things took place. Other times it was the words I emphasized in the sentence. 
  • Over explain. If the AI is not getting what you want, over-explain. Instead of just saying ‘dogs on the moon’ you can write ‘dogs on the moon, dogs in the pale moonlight, dogs playing on the moon, two dogs on the moon, etc.’ 
  • Take breaks. You’ll be surprised how quickly time passes when you do this. 
  • Find inspiration. There are lots of inspirational design websites out there. 
  • Make images you love yourself
  • I could look at the image of the dogs playing on the moon forever. 

Enjoy and have fun. 

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