Dog-Friendly NYC: Ultimate Guide 2023
Dog-friendly NYC? Oh yes! New York City is considered a very friendly city for dogs and their parents.
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Dog-friendly hotels in New York City
Dog-friendly restaurants in New York City

Dog Parks in NYC
There are a surprising number of parks throughout the five boroughs of New York City.
There are over 100 dog-friendly and dog-specific parks in New York City.
Many parks in the city aren’t dog-friendly. But our master list compiles all dog parks, runs, and plain old parks that welcomeyour furry friends.
Parks like Central Park in Manhattan and Prospect Park in Brooklyn have sanctioned off-leash areas and hours. Our list containsevery location with designated off-leash access and phone numbers to reach park officials about their hours and any specifics.
Even in the more remote areas of the city like Staten Island and the Bronx you’ll find dog runs and parks, opening up moreoptions for lodging and sightseeing.
You’ll find the list to be organized by type of park-dog run, dog park, or park. Dog runs tend to be large, flat dirt orsand areas designed for exercising your dog. These are prevalent in Manhattan since they lack greenery and need less space,but can be found all throughout New York City. Dog parks are often grassy, landscaped areas, sometimes with additional fixturesfor dogs to play with. You’ll often find these inside larger parks like Sakura Dog Park, located in Riverside Park in Manhattan.Dog runs and parks tend to be the most populated, so they aren’t the best choice for anxious or aggressive dogs. For a pup thatlikes to be alone, off-leash hours are often the off hours of the park, for example, 6 am-9 am or 9 pm-1 am in Central Park.This means fewer people and fewer pups, just watch out for your fellow off-leash friends.
Often, these parks aren’t dog-friendly, but we’ve compiled all dog runs, parks, and regular parks that welcome your furry friends.Though Parks like Central Park in Manhattan and Prospect Park in Brooklyn is notably dog friendly, they can be crowded during the day. But many dog-friendly parks offer sanctioned off-leash areas and hours. Off-leash hours are often the off hours of the park, making them the best choice for anxious or aggressive dogs. Our list denotes every location with designated off-leash access and lists phone numbers to reach park officials about hours or any specifics. Dog runs and parks are located across the boroughs, opening up lodging and sightseeing opportunities while traveling. Though many dog runs are located in larger city parks, like Sakura Dog Park in Riverside Park in Manhattan, the majority are smaller, independent spaces, meaning they have to limit dog size or breed. Use the listed phone numbers to call ahead to check your dog is allowed. If all that exercising has worked up an appetite, New York City’s 300 dog-friendly restaurants have got you covered.
Dog-friendly restaurants in New York City
There are over 300 dog friendly restaurants in NYC.
With nearly 350 dog-friendly eatery options you and your dog will never go hungry regardless of where you find yourselves inthe city.
From outdoor patio seating at sidewalk cafes to Chelsea’s The Wilson with a full-fledged dog menu, there’s something for everyone. Of course you might want to take a pet-friendly Uber to your destination.
Outdoor seating is most popular for dogs, so use the numbers provided on the master list to check for seasonal patio schedules atselect locations.
Additionally, our list includes coffee shops and bakeries, so Fido can join you even for your midday snack.
Many restaurants in the city provide special menu items for dogs. For example, Shake Shacks across the city make a doggy sundaewith fresh-baked treats provided by Bocce Bakery. The Doughnuttery in Chelsea Market makes miniature dog donuts with healthfulingredients. And The Wilson in Chelsea provides an entire menu full of lush items like duck and salmon for your dog to choosefrom. There are even fun seasonal options like a pumpkin spice latte from select Le Pain Quotidiens in the fall time.
New York City’s dog-friendly restaurant scene is large, clocking in at over 300 throughout all the Boroughs.From outdoor patio seating to Chelsea’s The Wilson and their full-fledged dog menu, there’s something for everyone.Outdoor seating is most popular for dog-friendly restaurants, so use the listed phone numbers or website links to checkfor seasonal hours. Many of these restaurants provide special menu items for dogs. For example, Shake Shacks across thecity make doggy sundaes with fresh-baked treats from Bocce Bakery. The Doughnuttery in Chelsea Market makes miniaturedog donuts, and The Wilson in Chelsea provides an entire menu full of lush items like duck and salmon for your dog tochoose from. There are even fun, seasonal options like a pumpkin spice latte from select Le Pain Quotidiens in the fall time.
New York City’s accommodations for your dog don’t stop at hundreds of pet-friendly restaurants and parks, you can also feel confident in your lodging situation with the city’s extensive list of dog-friendly hotels.
Dog-friendly hotels in New York City
There are over 200 dog friendly hotels in New York City.
Traveling as a dog owner can be stressful. Sifting through dozens of hotel listings with unlisted pet policies can mean settlingor paying more than you can afford for your travel. Fortunately, we’ve done the work for you, compiling only verified pet-friendly hotels with good reviews for you to choose from. Though it can seem like nowhere allows your dog, we’ve found thenumber of pet-friendly places to be a little overwhelming. All the listed hotels are organized by borough, so you can easilyfind the best match for you.
When searching for hotels, people often use one hotel listing site for reviews and hotel information. Unfortunately, listingsites are notorious for bogus reviews and star ratings. For the best idea of which hotels are worth your time, we’ve comparedratings and reviews across all cataloging sites, choosing only those with at least 4 stars across the board. With companiesswitching to all-digital, some information gets left behind. It can often be difficult to find listed policies or otherimportant information you might need via a simple Google search. We’ve provided phone numbers and website links, so you’llbe able to contact them with ease.
For situations involving multiple pets, Air BnB has a large presence all over the city and is often a good option for morespacious, pet-friendly lodging. Though the pet policies differ from listing to listing, so be sure to call the owner with anyspecifics.
Dog-friendly areas in any city can be tucked away or hard to find. New York is no exception, especially with how many boroughs andneighborhoods it encompasses. But our list contains all dog-friendly parks, restaurants, and hotels to make your stay that much easier.
New York City isn’t known for its vast natural landscapes, but there are a surprising number of parks throughout the boroughs. Often, these parks aren’t dog-friendly, but we’ve compiled all dog runs,parks, and regular parks that welcome your furry friends. Though Parks like Central Park in Manhattan and Prospect Park in Brooklynis notably dog friendly, they can be crowded during the day. But many dog-friendly parks offer sanctioned off-leash areas and hours.Off-leash hours are often the off hours of the park, making them the best choice for anxious or aggressive dogs. Our list denotesevery location with designated off-leash access and lists phone numbers to reach park officials about hours or any specifics. Dogruns and parks are located across the boroughs, opening up lodging and sightseeing opportunities while traveling. Though many dogruns are located in larger city parks, like Sakura Dog Park in Riverside Park in Manhattan, the majority are smaller, independentspaces, meaning they have to limit dog size or breed. Use the listed phone numbers to call ahead to check your dog is allowed. Ifall that exercising has worked up an appetite, New York City’s 300 dog-friendly restaurants have got you covered.
New York City’s dog-friendly restaurant scene is large, clocking in at over 300 throughout all the Boroughs. From outdoor patioseating to Chelsea’s The Wilson and their full-fledged dog menu, there’s something for everyone. Outdoor seating is most popularfor dog-friendly restaurants, so use the listed phone numbers or website links to check for seasonal hours. Many of these restaurantsprovide special menu items for dogs. For example, Shake Shacks across the city make doggy sundaes with fresh-baked treats from BocceBakery. The Doughnuttery in Chelsea Market makes miniature dog donuts, and The Wilson in Chelsea provides an entire menu full of lushitems like duck and salmon for your dog to choose from. There are even fun, seasonal options like a pumpkin spice latte from selectLe Pain Quotidiens in the fall time.
New York City’s accommodations for your dog don’t stop at hundreds of pet-friendly restaurants and parks, you can also feelconfident in your lodging situation with the city’s extensive list of dog-friendly hotels. Traveling to a big city as a dog ownercan be stressful. Sifting through dozens of hotel listings with unlisted pet policies can mean settling or paying more than youcan afford for your travel. Fortunately, we’ve done the work for you, compiling only verified pet-friendly hotels with good reviewsfor you to choose from. Though it can seem like nowhere allows your dog, we’ve found the number of pet-friendly places to be a littleoverwhelming. All the listed hotels are organized by borough, so you can easily find the best match for you. When searching forhotels, people often use one hotel listing site for reviews and hotel information. Unfortunately, listing sites are notorious forbogus reviews and star ratings. For the best idea of which hotels are worth your time, we’ve compared ratings and reviews acrossall cataloging sites, choosing only those with at least 4 stars across the board. With companies switching to all-digital,some information gets left behind. It can often be difficult to find listed policies or other important information you might needvia a simple Google search. We’ve provided phone numbers and website links, so you’ll be able to contact them with ease.
New York’s dog-friendly options are extensive, making your and your dog’s visit easy and comfortable. Being sure only toinclude actively operating and positively rated places of business, you’re sure to find whatever dog-friendly space you’relooking for, anywhere in the city.
Local landmarks: NYC landmarks
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