Why is my young dog forgetting all their training and ignoring me?

Why is my young dog forgetting all their training and ignoring me?
Why is my young dog forgetting all her training and ignoring me?

If your dog is in the adolescent stage between puppyhood and adulthood, it’s likely that she is a puppy teenager!

There are a few puppy development stages, notably the Seniority Classification Period (13-16 weeks), and the Flight Instinct Period(4-8 months), which classify this type of behavior. These may last a few days, or go for longer periods of time, and since every puppy is different, there is no set amount of time or definitive start time.

Just like humans, dogs also undergo a “rebellious teenager” stage where they test their social boundaries as their instincts tell them it is time to explore the world. Most people don’t know this, and think something catastrophic is happening with their puppy’s training when everything starts going down the drain.

The best way to get over this temporary hurdle is to be consistent. Keep

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