How do I stop my puppy from peeing everywhere when I am not looking?

How do I stop my puppy from peeing everywhere when I am not looking
How do I stop my puppy from peeing everywhere when I am not looking
How do I stop my puppy from peeing everywhere when I am not looking?

The number one rule of having a puppy is: eyes are ALWAYS on the puppy! If your eyes cannot be on the puppy, she should be in a safe location such as a playpen (with pee pads) or crate where she cannot have any accidents or get into anything. Keep a potty training schedule, and stick to it.

A good example of a potty training schedule for an 8-10 week old puppy may look something like:

8:00 AM: Bathroom as soon as you are up
8:10 AM: Breakfast
8:30 AM: Bathroom break
10:00 AM: Bathroom break
12:00 PM: Lunch
12:20: Bathroom break
2/3 PM: Bathroom
6 PM: Dinner
6:20 PM: Bathroom
8 PM: Bathroom
10/11 PM: Last bathroom of the night

This is a decently strict schedule, with a bathroom offered every 20 minutes after a meal, and every 2-3 hours during the day. The general rule for the length of time between bathroom breaks is 1 hour for every month, up to 6 months. So a 3-month-old dog should be going out every 3 hours at most. Every dog is different, so schedules may change.

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