What are the NYC dog apartment laws?

Most dog parents would give up their homes before giving up their dogs. Here are the specifics to know if your landlord has a no-pet rule.
You may be exempt from your landlord’s no-pet rule if the following are true:
1. You’ve had the dog for at least three months in the building.
2. The landlord is aware you’ve had the dog.
3. The landlord or someone on the landlord’s behalf has not taken action related to you having the dog.
4. Your dog does not pose a nuisance to other people in the building.
5. Your landlord is not the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA.) The NYCHA is exempt from this law.
Yes, unless it would cause undue hardship to the housing provider or if the dog is causing a nuisance to other tenants.
No. Housing providers must allow emotional support dogs unless doing so would cause undue hardship.
NYC landlords can state “no dogs” in their listings but they should add something like “unless you need accommodations for a disability.”
Yes. Any type of dog should always be on a leash in common areas.
Yes. If the tenant’s disability is not visibly apparent the landlord can ask for a letter from a treatment provider. The landlord can not ask to know the specific disability a tenant has though.
To learn more about your rights and responsibilities under the NYC
Human Rights Law, see the NYC Commission on Human Rights Legal
Enforcement Guidance on Discrimination on the Basis of Disability.
If you have been a victim of discrimination, please call the Commission’s Infoline at 718-722-3131 to report it.
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